For most people, sex is off-limits in daily conversation and, when it happens, it isn't the best time to talk things through. Naturally, this means that learning about sex is harder than learning about most things in everyday life. Sex, however, plays an important role in our lives and in society at large and, as a result, it's important to discuss it.
One of the subjects that people are uncomfortable discussing out in the open is the use of sex toys. However, the use of sex toys is very popular and they've become a part of the sex life of many people. Sex toys are a fun and playful addition to sexual intercourse, and they're much more common than most people realize.
The dildo is probably the most well-known and popular sex toy, and it's one that most people are familiar with. Even if they're common and popular, dildos still vary greatly in material, length, shape, size, and function. This article will teach you what dildos are, how to choose them, and how to use them.
A researcher from the University of Columbia reported that a dildo was found in a cave in Germany and, when it was examined, it was discovered to date back to the Ice Age. This amazing find tells us that people were using dildos as far back as 28,000 years ago. Dildos were not uncommon in the ancient world, and archeologists find them often. Dildos have been found in ancient Egypt, where murals and paintings depict women wearing large phallic objects around their waist. Dildos were also popular in ancient Greece where many olisboi, penis-shaped objects made of polished leather, have been found. When Greek soldiers were about to leave home for war, they would often give their wives olisboi to prevent hysteria (Alice, 2020).
There are so many different kinds of dildos in the sex toy market that choosing the right one can seem like a daunting task. Luckily, we're here to help guide you. We'll show you how to select the right dildo based on their different features and categories. In the end, however, sex toys are deeply personal and finding the right one depends on the user's personal preferences. Our advice is to try several different kinds until you find the one that makes you love how you feel.
Lisa, a writer on mbgrelationhips, has listed the 4 most recommended sex toy materials in 2021.
Silicone is one of the most common materials for sex toys, and it's easy to see why. The material is soft, flexible, comfortable, and it even feels like human skin. It's also durable and safe to use even in the most sensitive areas.
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel dildos are popular because of how unique and stylish they look. However, many people are drawn to them because of their hygienic qualities. After all, stainless steel is easy to clean and it inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Borosilicate Glass
It may surprise you to learn that glass is one of the best materials to use for sex toys. Glass is non-porous, non-toxic, it doesn't deform under high temperatures, and is easy to clean. Glass sex toys are also manufactured to be very durable, so there's no danger of them breaking when they're being used as intended.
Acrylic plastic resin, known as Lucite, is a perfect material for people that want to exercise their pelvic muscles in the most enjoyable way possible. In fact, Lucite is so firm and reliable that it is commonly used to make Kegel exercise devices.
A common misconception is that, when it comes to sexual pleasure, bigger is better. However, this isn't always the case. It's important to learn that sex toys are about your pleasure. Bigger toys may make you feel better, or they might feel uncomfortable or even painful for you. It's important to listen to your body and get to know what makes it feel best.
Queen, a sexologist, told Glamour that it's best to insert a dildo until it feels comfortable and pleasurable and stop there. It's not usually necessary to insert the entire length of the dildo, but it's important to try different lengths and thicknesses until you find the one that's right for you (Gina & Suzannah, 2022).
The sex toy industry has come a long way. The first dildos were purely manual devices with no attachments, add-ons, or additional features. Today, dildos have been updated to suit and satisfy a customer's every need. From manual dildos made of the most groundbreaking material to hands-free fuxxking machines, you're sure to find something that makes you feel better than you've ever felt before.
If you're a fan of realism, then you'll be pleased to learn that there are dildos that move, feel, look, and even act just like the real thing. While some thrusting dildos are handheld only, most of them come with a suction cup base that the realistic dildo is attached to. And it is realistic in every sense of the word. These dildos often feature swollen veins and lifelike shapes and textures and they can perform vaginal penetration without any help from the user. Life-like up-and-down action and other kinds of movement will not only replicate sexual intercourse with a moving person, they'll make it even better. Yes, you read that right, even better. These dildos come with adjustable thrusting speed that will always listen to your commands and, unlike the real thing, they will never get tired. They can maintain that speed for as long as the batteries last.
*Recommendation: Alger, Idalis (More on Honey Play Box)
Dildo Machine
Handheld dildos are limited by the flexibility of your hands and your wrists, but dildo machines are only limited by your imagination. Dildo machines were invented to give you bombarded sensation and bring you any sexual position you could want. From ride-on and doggy-style to positions that no person on Earth can replicate, dildo machines have you covered. And that's not all they can do. You can attach them in all kinds of places. Bathrooms. Balconies. Locker rooms. Dildo machines can follow you wherever your boldness takes you.
*Recommendation: Rahim (adjustable angle, feel free to target pleasure)
Alternative: Erotic Dildos (Fantasy Dildo)
Speaking of things that no person on Earth can replicate, the fantasy dildo is a new trend in the sex toy market. Why be limited to realistic anatomy? Why not expand your sexual pleasure into the realms of the fantastical? Fantasy dildos are novel dildos that are made to replicate mythical creatures such as dragons and appendages such as tentacles.
*Recommendation: Archer, Duke, Storm (More on Honey Play Box)
Now that you've chosen the right dildo for you, it's time to move onto the next stage. To maximize your self-pleasure, follow these tips noticed by Sean Jameson, from Bad Girls Bible, in 2018:
Masturbate in whatever way pleases your body the most. The point of this step is to create natural lubricant for the next step. If natural lubricant is out of the question, go ahead and grab some lube.
Deep Thrusting
Insert the full length of the dildo into your vagina and thrust to enhance the stimulation. This step requires a dildo that will be sturdy enough not to bend. Soft dildos make this movement difficult and even uncomfortable.
Short and Shallow
Deep thrusting is not the only way to get pleasure. Most of the sensitive nerve endings can be found in the first ⅓ of your vagina. Use the upper part of the dildo to perform quick and short strokes. These strokes will not only be incredibly pleasurable, they'll also prevent any strain on your wrist.
Rock It Out
Just because your dildo is straight doesn't mean it has to stay that way. “Rocking” your dildo means moving it back and forth at an angle. The idea is for your dildo to apply pressure to the bottom of your vagina through every back-and-forth motion. If you're lying on your back, your dildo should be pointing down toward your bed while you start to push it in. You can also use this same method near the vaginal opening and your clitoris. Rocking works best with flexible dildos, like those made from soft silicone.
Keep on Turning
Dildos used in this manner are often called “Juicers” because of the crank motion involved. After you insert a dildo into your vagina, turn it around in a cranking motion to stimulate a wide area.
Milk the G-spot
This method involves pulling a dildo in and out of your vagina. As you insert the dildo, push it against the roof of your vagina. Now, pull it out and drag the top part of the dildo across your G-spot. This works better with sturdy and hard dildos, like those made of glass and stainless steel.
Filling Feeling
Dildos can still make you feel great even if you don't move them. Insert the dildo into your vagina and don't move it. Now, rub your clitoris with your hands or use clitoris stimulators to enhance your orgasms. The dildo inside your vagina will give you the satisfying feeling of being filled and it'll enhance any pleasure you give to your clitoris.
Temperature Play
“Temperature play” is simply defined as changing the temperature of sex toys for pleasure. If you've ever tried a glass or steel dildo before, you'll know that they're often cold and, when you insert them in your body, you'll often shake because of how cold they are. For this method, glass and steel dildos are recommended because they respond to temperature changes very quickly. Simply put your dildos in the fridge or a bowl of warm water and then start your pleasure play.
*Important note: the inside of your body is much more sensitive to hot and cold than the outside of your body. To avoid injury, test the dildo on your hands first. If the hot or cold temperatures are painful or uncomfortable on your hands in any way, then they'll be painful and uncomfortable inside you.
Dildos are the perfect sex toy for anal play lovers. Just like with a vagina, you can try different kinds of dildos to stimulate your anus and all the different kinds of dildos we discussed above can also be used on your anus.
Double Penetration
Sex toys make things much more fun and enjoyable than regular masturbation. If you really want to step your game up and double your pleasure, then you have to try double penetration. You can achieve this by inserting a dildo into your vagina and then a butt plug into your anus at the same time. Here are 4 combinations that will maximize your pleasure, guaranteed:
One dildo in the vagina and one dildo in the anus.
One dildo in the vagina and one butt plug in the anus.
A dildo in your vagina and your fingers in the anus and vice versa.
A dildo in your vagina and a penis in your anus and vice versa.
It seems like you already have a brief understanding of how to use a dildo to maximize your pleasure. But using the methods and combinations of sex toys aren't the only important factor to consider, you must know that your position can also influence your pleasure. There are 5 positions published in Bad Girls Bible by Sean Jameson in 2018.
Laying Down
Laying down and facing the ceiling is the most common position in both lovemaking and masturbation. However, you can do much more than just lay there. A way to get more pleasure while lying on your back is to pull your knees close to your chest. By doing this, you'll increase the stimulation of your G-spot.
Facing Down
If you've got long arms, you can try this position. Lie face down with your back facing the ceiling and reach over your back to thrust a dildo. You can improve the angle for insertion by putting a pillow under your hips.
If you want to make a dildo feel bigger while in your vagina, you can lie on you side with your legs pressed together.This position will also make it easier to masturbate. You can try keeping your legs straight or bending your knees to enhance the pleasure.
Suction dildos can be placed on walls, tables, and other surfaces. You can then sit on the dildo for ease of access.
Riding Your Dildo
Suction cup dildos offer many options in terms of locations and positions. Stick them on a wall in the bathroom or any smooth surface on your balcony. Getting out of the bedroom and changing your surroundings will change your pleasure. With the dildo securely in place, your hands are free to stimulate your partner or intensify your own pleasure by stimulating your clitoris.
We've looked at the history of the dildo, how to choose the right dildo for you, how to use a dildo, and the positions you can try to increase your pleasure. Don't worry. You don't have to follow this article like a rule book. Sex should be about listening to your own body and following your instincts. Just do whatever makes you feel comfortable and makes you feel good. This article is meant to provide you with new ideas and methods to increase your pleasure with dildos. As fantasy dildos and other new types of dildos are developed, we look forward to seeing what other kinds of dildos will join the family of sex toys we've described here and, when they do, we'll be sure to let you know how to use them.