Sex is natural. We all know this. Oftentimes, we heed the call of sexual nature in the comfort and privacy of our own bedrooms but sometimes…the call of pleasure rings in the middle of the crowd. Embarrassing? Not really. Inconvenient? Somehow. Could it be resolved? If you're brave and responsible, do it right. That's what we're going to discuss in this blog! We're giving you a guide to masturbating in public so when the day comes you're immensely horny and need release, you know what to do without traumatizing people.
What is Public Masturbation?
As usual, we need to lay down the foundations. For those of you who are unaware, or maybe you just need a refresher, Planned Parenthood defines public masturbation as "the act of engaging in sexual activity in public places alone." It sounds wild, risky and dangerous – and it is! That's why if you're engaging in it, you should always do your due diligence before letting your hands anywhere near your intimate parts!
Is Public Masturbation Legal?
An important thing you should find out is whether or not public masturbation is legal in your area. Most countries and states ruled public masturbation as illegal and getting caught participating in it may result in a fine or worse: an arrest. For sure, we don't want that so make sure to read up on the local laws and regulations and in the event there's no concrete policy in place, err on the side of caution because while you want to feel good, you wouldn't want to pay that back by spending time behind bars. Prioritize your safety and other people's boundaries.
How to Masturbate in Public?
In the event you'd still like to take the leap and pleasure yourself in public, there are a few key things to do to make sure that you're safe from prying eyes and the prospect of getting jailed, according to Medium:
Choose the Right Location

First and foremost, begin with choosing the right location. It's imperative to choose a place or two that's private so you have the least chances of getting seen and interrupted by others! Some examples of these optimal places are a quiet park, a secluded beach or your own car, if you have it! If you're having a hard time figuring out if a place is truly secluded then carve out some time to visit the prospective area first, scout it for potential hiding spots and then come back on a day where there's not too many people around. Usually, this happens during weekdays, early mornings or late evenings.
Be Discreet
When engaging in public masturbation, it's important to remember that you should always be discreet. You never know who might be watching, and it's important to respect the privacy and boundaries of others. This means that you should use your voice as little as possible, and if necessary, try to whisper or keep your voice at a very low volume.
In addition to keeping your voice low, you should also try to keep your movements subtle and avoid making any sudden or large movements. Remember that other people may be nearby, even if you can't see them, so it's important to be respectful of their space and privacy.
Overall, when engaging in solo public fun, it's important to be mindful of your surroundings and the people around you. It's important to avoid causing any disturbance or discomfort to others, and to be respectful of their space and privacy.
Respect Others' Space
When masturbating in public, it's still important to respect other people's space. Remember that you're in public and don't have exclusivity over the area you're doing the dirty in. Be mindful of any noise or disturbance you may be causing. If someone does come near you, stop what you're doing and wait for them to leave before continuing.
Know the Law
Masturbating in public alone can have serious legal consequences. It is important to be aware of the laws in your local area and to act responsibly. In many places public masturbation is considered a criminal act and can result in fines or imprisonment. These laws are in place to protect public decency and prevent indecent exposure to others who may not want to be exposed to such behavior.
It is important to keep in mind that even if you are alone, you can still be charged with public indecency if caught. Therefore, it is best to err on the side of caution and keep your activities private. Be mindful of your surroundings and make sure that you are not putting yourself in a potentially compromising or illegal situation.
If you are unsure about the laws in your area regarding public indecency, it is always a good idea to do some research or consult with a legal professional. It is important to respect the boundaries of others and to act responsibly, even when feeling sexually aroused in public.
Use Protection
Even if you're doing this alone, it's still best to use protection. It may not be against a genital coming into contact with yours but it will be against the forces of nature surrounding you because it carries bacteria that may cause an infection to your body. Wearing a condom – whether for a penis or vagina, will lessen the chances of that and keep your intimate parts safe as well as prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Use Toys
Once you've got your moral obligation in order, you can engage in masturbation and even seek the help of sex toys that are designed for discreet self-pleasure such as the OLY, a wearable, app-controlled toy that frees your hands to have some solo fun. You can also use the Pomi Wand if you're craving for that massage-like sensation instead.
There you have it, a simple and fun guide to masturbating in public! To summarize, it's well within your right to engage in this satisfying act but it comes with a few caveats: first, you must do the research to understand whether or not a specific country or state mandates masturbating in public as illegal. Second, choose a private and secluded area. Third, practice discretion to avoid drawing attention to yourself. Finally, use protection to prevent contracting and spreading infections. Masturbating in public can be an exciting way to explore your sexuality but due to its risky nature, always practice it with caution to avoid karma biting you in the ass in return.